Thursday, May 31, 2007

Daily emini Review - May 31 - Russell, DOW, NASDAQ

A portion of our daily premarket coverage of the emini futures indexes with focus on Russell, NASDAQ, and DOW Jones. The Russell shows some great potential pattern setups with similar pattern setup in the DOW. NASDAQ pressed to new recent highs intraday today as it continues to move in a sideways channel; lets look at the successes and opportunities this presented for traders.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Daily Index - FOMC - Don't Rock The Boat!

Technical trading requires patience discipline and practice. They rewards are all paid forward and they will serve you for the entire term of your trading career. This is a classic example of why news events are difficult to trade? Are they a land of opportunity? Absolutely. For buying you a Ferrari tomorrow and also for handing your head to you on a plate. Are you willing to take that risk? Or is a more calculated risk based on historical price action and proven methods more your style?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Daily FOREX Review - Swiss, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Euro

Premarket outlook of various FOREX price patterns; We begin with a look at the Swiss Franc, where we see potential for long entries around 1.2230's. Notice how conditional logic is used to allow traders to profit in a dynamic marketplace. Similar visual patterns are noted in the British Pound, Japanese Yen, and Euro Composite, however these systems can work in ANY market, and for ANY time frame.

Daily Index Review - Russell, NASDAQ

Daily Index Review - Russell, NASDAQ

Daily Index Review - S&P, NASDAQ

From our live trading room mentoring sessions; a look at emini indexes, focusing on the important fundamentals of trading in the indexes. In this session, we are using a dynamic signal called the VS1 and show how the visual price patterns setup as well as discussing the importance of targets and stops. This fundamental lesson can apply to any market and any time frame to help you become a consistently profitable trader.

Daily Index Review - S&P, NASDAQ

From our live trading room mentoring sessions; a look at emini indexes, focusing on the important fundamentals of trading in the indexes. In this session, we are using a dynamic signal called the VS1 and show how the visual price patterns setup as well as discussing the importance of targets and stops. This fundamental lesson can apply to any market and any time frame to help you become a consistently profitable trader.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Stock Analysis - Nueral Nets

Various stocks register on the neural nets, let's take a look at pattern setups in several of these various equities. Intuit moved into a new structure low to begin a pattern setup, Union drilling shows the setup of one of our classic visual price patterns with targets around $18. Notice how the same patterns and statistical levels occur again and again, showing the relevance of these patterns in ANY market and ANY time frame.

Premarket Emini Analysis

A premarket look at emini Indexes; we make a quick analysis of each of the major index markets. In the Dow, trail stops have held on the entry called on the 16th, and price action continues to move towards a 190 point extended target. Russell shows Opportunity for a low risk swing short entry abounds according to our visual pattern analysis; watch this pattern as it continues to evolve. We apply the same patterns and psychology to both the S&P and the NASDAQ to help you understand HOW and WHY these patterns work in ANY market, and in ANY time frame.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

News Event Winner

Watch the reaction to news in the Russell; as well as in the S&P and NASDAQ. We compare the price action and volume of these various indexes. All 4 major indexes show a hike in volume immediately before the news event at around 10:48, and the markets work towards new lows, but with essentially no reaction to the news event. We set some initial and extended targets by using prior history for an agressive short entry. This lead to $380 on a 2 lot in the Russell, and similar successes in other markets.

emini Indexes Pattern setups

A look around the indexes, with a focus on visual price pattern setups and identifying entry criteria as well as targets and stops. AB M7 Russell showed 3 key elements of pattern setup today with visual patterns and statistical measures setting up the potential of pattern completion following reaction to today's pending news events.

Gold Futures Update

A look at the results of an aggressive sell in gold futures; notice how the reversal lines up with points of confluence supported by statistics. The market continues to move as it moves into a bid zone and the completion of another pattern. Watch to understand what these visual price patterns mean and how they can apply to your trading, regardless of the market or time frame you are trading in.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Trading State Management 2

Trading State Management Series 2 - Trading As Mental Warfare

Video from our mentoring program discussing the need for Trading State Management.

Trading State Management 1

Trading State Management Series 1 - Neuro Associative Conditioning

From our mentoring program on

Trade the plan for winners in FOREX

A look at FOREX markets and Gold Futures for Tuesday, May 15th; Observe the visual pattern setup into an aggressive sell in the Gold Futures chart, which has already taken out scalpers and is currently pushing towards extended targets. In the FOREX, we review a few patterns we see setting up or completing, including buy patterns in the British Pound and Canadian Dollar.

S&P ES Swing Trade Review

A brief look at the S&P Market focusing on a swing play setting up visually through pattern recognition and supported by statistical analysis. Focus on the time frames your commited to trading, but realize these same patterns apply in every market, in every time frame and help succesful traders maintain their success.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Daily Stock Review - Comcast Swing Play

From a session in our live trading room; Todd Brown, one of our trading mentors works through an analysis of equities, using the visual price patterns and statistical methods we teach in the live trading room. Comcast shows multiple pattern setups, watch how these patterns let you recognize market action and use it to your advantage. Todd reviews multiple stocks pointing out the reoccuring visual price patterns setup in every market and in every time frame.

Monday, May 14, 2007

SnP emini Indexes Swing Trading How To

SnP Indexes sees a swing pattern set up coming up from a double bottom; learn how the visual price patterns and the statistical methods work together to help traders improve their profitability and consistency.

FOREX Video visual pattern completion

We see bid zones setting up in the British Pound and the New Zealand Dollar; great, low risk opportunities are available. We also see a pattern completion in the Euro, and show how this pattern sets the expected targets and stops to improve the consistency of your trading, no matter what your market or time frame. We break these patterns down every day in our live trading room at

Friday, May 11, 2007

5 Common Trading Myths

5 Common Trading Myths - Traders from all avenues of trading, Forex, Stocks, Futures, E-Mini, Emini, often trade under the assumptions of these market myths.